Browse Articles by Topics
A tale of two customer services
Lessons I learned from IPL
Inspiring Managers
Don’t throw away your opportunity
Freelancer or a consultant?
What do customers want?
Standing on giants
Simply better entertainer
What is your learning model?
Four Lessons I Learned While Working For A Cardiac Surgeon
Should You Run That Extra Mile to Make a Sale?
3 Core Requirements For A Happy-path Project Life
Smart People Ask For Help
How To Be Effective As A New Manager?
Technology is Powerful; But Its Not The Panacea
5 Steps To Achieve Your Goal – Lessons From Failures
Book Review – A Game Plan For Life by John Wooden
Quotable quotes from 'A Game Plan For Life' by John Wooden
Lessons In Consulting
Starting a Startup is Like an Itch
Seven Business Trends to Watch in India
SODAS - A Simple Problem Solving Methodology
What Is Your Ideal Job?
Beware of Cloning Best Practices
We Don't Need More; We Need Better
Documenting Your Decisions
Customer Service Is Sales
How To Get The Feedback That You Deserve
How The Damn Google Spoiled My Career
How Your Attitude Impacts Your Career Growth?
This ≠ That
Joining Elite Clubs
No, I'm Developing A Product
Focus On What Matters Or Sleep Alone
What an Indie Developer Expects From Apple
What I Learned Building For AppStore
Startups And Security
If Church Can Reinvent Itself, Why Can't Companies?
Do Credentials Matter?
When To Listen To Your Critics?
People Aren't Potatoes
Big Ideas From Peter Theil
Paranoid is ok; Paralysis is not ok
Five Insights From Successful Indian Entrepreneurs
Insights From Startup Expo @ ISB, Mohali
Want to make doing business in India easy? Start with incorporation
Surviving hard times
Entrepreneurship is a metamorphosis, not a baptism
Notes from Lean Startup Session by TiE, Chandigarh
What I learned in a year as an entrepreneur
My Itches, My Ventures
Video To Watch-Ideas are easy, execution is everything by John Doerr
When quantity trumps quality?
System for success
How to improve project delivery in an IT services company?
Where there is vision, people prosper
Notes from NASSCOM Annual Technology Conference - 2016
Little Talents
Book Notes - Industries of the future by Alec Ross
What I learned as a CTO
Notes from day 1 of TiECon Chandigarh 2017
Notes from day 2 of TiECon Chandigarh 2017
An awesome tip from Jack Ma & Derek Sivers to build your career
The curse of EVERYTHING and NOW on building your career
11 Lives to Build a Rich Career
Guest lecture on entrepreneurship at Christ College, Bangalore
What small IT businesses can learn from Mary Meeker's trends report
Three stages of startups and how to chose tech-stack for each of them
Cyber Security for Women
Introduction to machine learning
The Future of Jobs Is Partnership of Experts
Mastering sales as a new CTO
How to deliver value in the digital age?
Agile in the C-Suite
Video - 3 Daily Needs
How to think structurally?
Safari - A digital library for your career growth
What I learned about leadership from the book 'Lead like Jesus'
Video - Truth About Passive Income & Financial Freedom
Abstractions are useful, if you know the context
Seven tips to writing fantastic blog posts regularly
Thriving with WINS
Why Indian developers struggle to write quality code and what can be done about it?
Are you a Rowan?
Importance of quality in global competition
Don't chase goals. Do this instead
Delightful Customer Experience in a Highway Restaurant
How to choose technology for your business growth
Microsoft still competes on price, not on customer obsession.
Life is series of lost, found, and lucky breaks
Can geeks delight?
How I'm dealing with isolation during covid
Business and personal branding during crisis
I made mistakes
The Optimal Way to Respond to Uncertainty: Lessons from COVID and Beyond
Power in your hands
How to find trends in your industry
Building a career amidst a pandemic
Build on the rock for the storms are surely coming
The dichotomy of contentment and ambition
Principles trump processes
One decision instead of hundred decisions
How to avoid failures with thirty percent feedback?
Impact of digital technologies in breaking barriers
Three types of books as per Elon Musk
Stones for locals, crowns for others
Language Shapes Your World
Customer Experience Is A Leaf, Not A Trunk
Writing my obituary
On Meetings
Are you ready for the coming show?
Whatsapp Privacy
A Roadmap For Developers
Building In Public, Jeff Bezos Style
Are you principled or just plain stupid?
Think clearly about your venture with P.A.S.T.O.R. Framework
What can we learn from China?
Gaming as a mental model for successful business
Checklist For Evaluating Startups
Your answer is not under a streetlight
Building Your Career - Apple Or Amazon Way
What Are The Top Leadership Challenges?
What Studying For Exams Taught Me About Decision Making
Factors affecting the outcome of our decisions
Surgery Is Successful, Patient Is Dead
Building a personal flywheel
Ideas Don't Matter, If You Don't Act
What can super-chickens and system thinking tell us about building a hyper-performing team?
Trends As A Guide To The Future
Future Doesn't Happen To Us, Future Happens Because Of Us
Culture is what you do, not what you believe
How To Gain From Insights
Let Your Videos Go Viral
What Is Gravitas, Anyway?
Great Leaders Are Invisible
Will A Chatbot Take Away My Job?
Mohan Mathew on 'Management Consulting'
Themed Days - My Productivity Secret
Three Types Of Goals You Should Set
Three types of mistakes leaders keep making
Emmy Sobieski on 'I'd far rather be lucky than smart'
Green grass stain on Steve Jobs' shoes
What's In A Name? Everything
Is there a 'pause' time on your calendar?
Ranjitha Jeurkar on 'Nonviolent Communication'
Who gets your reward - Bore or Firefighter?
How to amortize your efforts in producing content?
Ubellah Maria on 'Transitioning from developer to manager'
Shresth Shrivastav on 'Thrive In Gig Economy'
Munish Jauhar on 'Building a business from a tier-2 city'
Go faster with a structure to success
Leadership is seen, felt, and heard
5 elements of magnetic company culture
52 Checkpoints . 6 Questions . Fulfilled Life
Have you changed your mind lately?
Leaders should read literature
First bullets. Then Cannonballs
Rise with the rising tide
Do you have a best friend at work?
Are you chasing success or status?
Map is not the territory
Long gap between cup and lip
Work, Life, and Fun is a flywheel not a balance
Three part solution to leaders burnout
Are you a monk, lotus, or salt in handling problems?
Innovation models of John F Kennedy and Nehru
What game are you playing?
Season and situation for every advice
Who are you chasing?
Are we even looking at the same thing?
All about insights
How to strengthen your career prospects at mid-career?
How to slow down attrition? Keep an eye on what employees need.
Wrong way to assemble the best car
How the Bible shaped my thinking?
Do you have a board of advisors?
No hobby is an island
You don't gain anything by reading books
Xavier Roy on 'Personal knowledge management for career growth'
'Carving a unique career path' with Meenakshi S, Practice Head
Ian Heaton on 'Listening leaders are effective leaders'
Branding, channels, and market penetration
Krishna Kumar N on 'Power of storytelling in business'
Transition from Employee to Successful Solopreneur: A Short Guide
Problems I Solve
Gaurav Aggarwal on 'How to sell on Amazon US from India'
Tamanna Sharma on 'Your Roadmap To A Career In Data Science'
Manish Verma on 'How Angel Investors Think?'
Snowballs not slot-machines
'Building the winning culture' with Maj Gen Neeraj Bali (Retd)
Types of teachers and coaches (applicable to managers too)
If I play good cricket, I don't need PR
Embracing GenAI: A Three Point Guide to Thriving in the Age of GenAI
Confidence is the first step to having a life you need
Smaller Goals Made My Life Bigger
Habits with high rate of returns
The Power of Specific Feedback: How to Guide Your Team to Real Improvement
(130 posts)
Lessons I learned from IPL
Its never late to learn some basics
How To Be A Champion And Remain One?
Good Morning. How Much Did We Make While Sleeping?
5 Steps To Achieve Your Goal – Lessons From Failures
Book Review – A Game Plan For Life by John Wooden
Quotable quotes from 'A Game Plan For Life' by John Wooden
Book Review - Fail Safe Investing
Build An Ecosystem For Learning
Documenting Your Decisions
Learning Phases And Its Support Systems
Challenges In 'Consume' Phase Of Learning
Are You Learning A New Domain? Visit Its Zoo
Do Credentials Matter?
How I Use Twitter As A Learning Tool?
My General Operating Principles
Where there is vision, people prosper
11 Lives to Build a Rich Career
What small IT businesses can learn from Mary Meeker's trends report
Best of what I consumed in 2018 Q1
How to think structurally?
Abstractions are useful, if you know the context
Thriving with WINS
Book Notes - Networking like a Pro
Best Essays Online
How to find trends in your industry
How To Find Awesome Twitter Users To Follow
If you see everything, you will get nothing
Build on the rock for the storms are surely coming
The dichotomy of contentment and ambition
Principles trump processes
Authors who shaped my thinking before I turned 18
One decision instead of hundred decisions
How to avoid failures with thirty percent feedback?
Did you compliment your friend recently?
How to get lucky?
Numb is dumb
My video log
Are you sure you are not shaving the yak?
Writing my obituary
Fame or Fortune
How to find your element?
Are you spending enough on recovery?
Building In Public, Jeff Bezos Style
How to become a writing LION?
Tools For Successful Webinars
Are you principled or just plain stupid?
Power Of Storytelling In Business
Think clearly about your venture with P.A.S.T.O.R. Framework
Is life a battle or a blessing?
What can we learn from China?
If you don't blow your trumpet, how can you expect music?
Intentional Imbalance
Gravitas WINS Radio
What Are The Top Leadership Challenges?
Podcasting In 2021
What Studying For Exams Taught Me About Decision Making
Factors affecting the outcome of our decisions
Surgery Is Successful, Patient Is Dead
Building a personal flywheel
Ideas Don't Matter, If You Don't Act
What can super-chickens and system thinking tell us about building a hyper-performing team?
Trends As A Guide To The Future
Future Doesn't Happen To Us, Future Happens Because Of Us
Is There DOPE In Your Network
How To Gain From Insights
Structured Communication
What Is Gravitas, Anyway?
How to develop your gravitas?
Great Leaders Are Invisible
Will A Chatbot Take Away My Job?
Themed Days - My Productivity Secret
Three Types Of Goals You Should Set
Three types of mistakes leaders keep making
Emmy Sobieski on 'I'd far rather be lucky than smart'
You Matter; You Don't Matter
Green grass stain on Steve Jobs' shoes
What's In A Name? Everything
Is there a 'pause' time on your calendar?
Ranjitha Jeurkar on 'Nonviolent Communication'
Who gets your reward - Bore or Firefighter?
Siddhartha Ghosh on 'What we can learn from nature'
How to amortize your efforts in producing content?
Jayaram Easwaran on 'Secrets of A Master Storyteller'
Dr Deborah Thomson on 'One Health And Science Communication'
Winning With Ideas
P.K. Khu₹ana on 'Happiness, Joy and Bliss'
Manish Kumar on 'Edge Computing 101'
Go faster with a structure to success
Leadership is seen, felt, and heard
52 Checkpoints . 6 Questions . Fulfilled Life
Manjula Sularia on 'Life Skills for Personal and Professional Success'
Have you changed your mind lately?
Leaders should read literature
Luck Loves The Paranoid
How I wrote 'Luck Loves The Paranoid'
Embrace The Unknown
First bullets. Then Cannonballs
Rise with the rising tide
Do you have a best friend at work?
Are you chasing success or status?
Map is not the territory
Long gap between cup and lip
Work, Life, and Fun is a flywheel not a balance
How to have a healthy relation with your siblings and why it matters?
Three part solution to leaders burnout
Value investing is better than real estate
Are you a monk, lotus, or salt in handling problems?
Innovation models of John F Kennedy and Nehru
What game are you playing?
Season and situation for every advice
Who are you chasing?
Are we even looking at the same thing?
How to succeed in the stock market with a simple and structured approach?
Life is more about depth than length
Journey to 150k hits a year
Money can buy happiness
How to strengthen your career prospects at mid-career?
You have to be ready when the opportunity knocks
You need to know very little to get ahead in life
Distilled wisdom
In an Uncertain World, Be a Fox to Innovate and Thrive
If you are fortunate, build a longer table
'Carving a unique career path' with Meenakshi S, Practice Head
Krishna Kumar N on 'Power of storytelling in business'
How I Podcast
Tamanna Sharma on 'Your Roadmap To A Career In Data Science'
Manish Verma on 'How Angel Investors Think?'
Snowballs not slot-machines
Got a certificate on "Introduction to management consulting"
Don't Despise Little Beginnings
What Is Your Ideal Job?
When To Listen To Your Critics?
How to get lucky?
If you don't blow your trumpet, how can you expect music?
Gravitas WINS Radio
Building Your Career - Apple Or Amazon Way
Ideas Don't Matter, If You Don't Act
Abhinav Goel on 'Product Manager In A VUCA World'
'Good Sales Skills Are Same As Good Life Skills' With Gaganpal Singh
Rishabh Garg on 'Power of Twitter, Side-hustle, and Community'
Liji Thomas on 'Conversational Bots'
Great Leaders Are Invisible
Will A Chatbot Take Away My Job?
Mohan Mathew on 'Management Consulting'
Anuj Magazine on 'Sketchenoting And Learnings'
Mahendran Kathiresan on 'Homeschooling In India'
Shikhil Sharma on 'Talk With Me Security'
Emmy Sobieski on 'I'd far rather be lucky than smart'
Capt. Sahaya Arputharaj on 'Leadership on High Seas'
Sukhwinder Singh on 'Mantras for going from ₹1200 to ₹1 Crore of sale'
Ritika Singh on 'Words Change Lives'
'Building An Enterprise Data Strategy' with Ganesan Ramaswamy
Ranjitha Jeurkar on 'Nonviolent Communication'
Siddhartha Ghosh on 'What we can learn from nature'
Jayaram Easwaran on 'Secrets of A Master Storyteller'
Dr Deborah Thomson on 'One Health And Science Communication'
P.K. Khu₹ana on 'Happiness, Joy and Bliss'
Manish Kumar on 'Edge Computing 101'
Ubellah Maria on 'Transitioning from developer to manager'
Shresth Shrivastav on 'Thrive In Gig Economy'
Munish Jauhar on 'Building a business from a tier-2 city'
Jyothi & Aravinda on 'Why Robotic Process Automation Matters To Enterprise'
Roshni Baronia on 'Digital Sales For Startups & SMEs'
Tanmay Vora on 'Mindset for Creator Economy'
John Mohana Prakash on 'Podcasting Lessons From an Internet Radio Host'
Rajesh Madan on 'How to build a thriving Community'
Prakasm Anand on 'Printing hearts, parts, and home'
Manjula Sularia on 'Life Skills for Personal and Professional Success'
Sampark A. Sachdeva on 'LinkedIn Success Mantras'
Do you have a board of advisors?
Lee Launches on 'Application Development with no code and low code tools'
No hobby is an island
Rishi Jiwan Gupta on 'Financial planning for a meaningful retirement'
Rahul Chauhan on 'Learning from Annual Reports'
Stress is not pressure
Naveen Samala on 'Benefits of podcasting'
Xavier Roy on 'Personal knowledge management for career growth'
Dr Sarika Verma on 'Why politics is important for all of us'
Priyanka Sud on 'Prevention of sexual harassment at workplaces'
'Carving a unique career path' with Meenakshi S, Practice Head
Getting ready for AI economy
How will you use the extra time AI will give you?
Generative AI is starting on a wrong note
AI transformation will start as lift & shift
'Building enterprise applications with Low code tools' with Jinen Dedhia, co-founder of DronaHQ
AI tools I use daily
Ian Heaton on 'Listening leaders are effective leaders'
The skills you need in the age of AI
Krishna Kumar N on 'Power of storytelling in business'
Safely Introducing Kids to AI Tools
Sathyanand on 'The Visual Solopreneur'
AI Factory of the future
Vikrant Sukhla on 'Trends in Digital Commerce'
Selling shovels in Generative AI gold rush
Gaurav Aggarwal on 'How to sell on Amazon US from India'
Arvindh Sundar on 'Gamification of marketing for small businesses'
Naseef KPO on 'Lean video marketing'
How I use GenAI tools as a CTO?
Ruby Grace on 'Impact of technology on mental health'
Regi Thomas on 'Investing for short-term goals'
Kavitha Ashtakala On 'Championing Customer Success'
Sohail Khan on 'Why startups fail'
Tamanna Sharma on 'Your Roadmap To A Career In Data Science'
Manish Verma on 'How Angel Investors Think?'
How our fathers, society, and peers shape our fatherhood?
'Building the winning culture' with Maj Gen Neeraj Bali (Retd)
How we learn to be a father?
Tamizhvendan on 'Teaching software fundamentals in Tamil'
Bonding with kids
Krishnakumar on 'Solve and scale with Generative AI'
Building a family culture
Dealing with Dad Anxieties
'How not to operate a startup' with Samson Selladurai
Protect your wealth with will' with Priyanka Sud
'Employee-like benefits for the self-employed' with Benjemen Elengovan
Should You Run That Extra Mile to Make a Sale?
Thank God For Internet
5 Steps To Achieve Your Goal – Lessons From Failures
Starting a Startup is Like an Itch
We Don't Need More; We Need Better
Can Companies Learn From Religions?
Customer Service Is Sales
How To Get The Feedback That You Deserve
This ≠ That
Joining Elite Clubs
No, I'm Developing A Product
Thank You
Focus On What Matters Or Sleep Alone
What an Indie Developer Expects From Apple
What I Learned Building For AppStore
If Church Can Reinvent Itself, Why Can't Companies?
When To Listen To Your Critics?
People Aren't Potatoes
Taking The Biggest Bet Of My Life
Big Ideas From Peter Theil
Paranoid is ok; Paralysis is not ok
Five Insights From Successful Indian Entrepreneurs
Insights From Startup Expo @ ISB, Mohali
Want to make doing business in India easy? Start with incorporation
Surviving hard times
Entrepreneurship is a metamorphosis, not a baptism
Notes from Lean Startup Session by TiE, Chandigarh
What I learned in a year as an entrepreneur
My Itches, My Ventures
Video To Watch-Ideas are easy, execution is everything by John Doerr
Why I Uber
Notes from day 1 of TiECon Chandigarh 2017
Notes from day 2 of TiECon Chandigarh 2017
Guest lecture on entrepreneurship at Christ College, Bangalore
Three stages of startups and how to chose tech-stack for each of them
Book Notes - How I almost blew it
Workshop on Lean Canvas for TiE Young Entrepreneurs, Chandigarh
Power in your hands
How to find trends in your industry
Think clearly about your venture with P.A.S.T.O.R. Framework
Gaming as a mental model for successful business
Checklist For Evaluating Startups
Your answer is not under a streetlight
Branding, channels, and market penetration
Sohail Khan on 'Why startups fail'
'How not to operate a startup' with Samson Selladurai
'Employee-like benefits for the self-employed' with Benjemen Elengovan
(46 posts)
(42 posts)
(21 posts)
(21 posts)
(14 posts)
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(1 posts)