Posts under "consume"
How I Use Twitter As A Learning Tool? - Of all the social media platforms, Twitter stands-out as a great place to discover and discuss ideas. Use it.…
#sdl , #wins , #insights , #consumePodcasts I Listen - I have never been a 'listening' guy; I'm more a 'reading' guy. But with launch of my startup, I turned to podcasts to learn.…
#sdl , #consumeSafari - A digital library for your career growth - Safari Online is a digital library for CXOs that has e-books, case studies, learning paths, and much more.…
#sdl , #coach , #consumeWhat I learned about leadership from the book 'Lead like Jesus' - Leadership is holistic. Leaders should lead with humility and confidence.…
#sdl , #books , #consume , #coachApps I use - Pocket - Starting point for adult learning is reading. Pocket app is the best tool to save articles and read them in batches.…
#sdl , #consume , #appsCurated RSS Feeds and Newsletters for Diverse Self-Directed Learning - Explore a diverse list of RSS feeds and newsletters that fuel my self-directed learning journey. Curated to inspire, inform, and sometimes share.…
#insights , #consume